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Installing EMS-ESP

Required Hardware~

1. An ESP32 development board~

The EMS-ESP firmware runs on an ESP32 module from Espressif. The chipsets ESP32-S, ESP32-S2, ESP32-S3 and ESP32-C3 are supported. See the post here on which development boards we have tested against.

2. An EMS Interface board~

EMS-ESP also requires a separate circuit to read and write to the EMS bus. You can either build your own or purchase a EMS Gateway board directly from BBQKees Electronics at

Installing EMS-ESP~

Click the link below to go to the download page and see the multiple methods available to install the firmware onto your ESP32 board.

Install Firmware

Pay attention to the Change Log before upgrading so you are aware of any breaking changes

If you are upgrading from a previous release it's recommended you make a backup copy of any settings and configurations before performing the installation. This can be done from the WebUI Settings page 'Download/Upload'.

After Installing~

When EMS-ESP starts-up and is running, the onboard LED will show the system status.

During the power-on boot sequence~

  • 1 flash indicates the EMS bus is not yet connected. If this takes more than a few seconds check the EMS Tx Mode and the physical connection to the EMS bus.
  • 2 flashes indicates the network (WiFi or Ethernet) is connecting. If this persists check the EMS-ESP Network settings. EMS-ESP uses 2.4GHz/WPA2 only.
  • 3 flashes indicates that both the EMS bus and Network are still trying to connect. This could be due to an incorrect EMS-ESP Board Profile setting.

During normal operation~

Unless the LED has been disabled in the settings, the LED will show the system status.

  • A steady solid light indicates a good connection and EMS data is flowing in.
  • A slow pulse can mean either the WiFi or the EMS bus are still connecting.
  • A very fast pulse is when the system is booting up and configuring itself.

Last update: February 10, 2025
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